Sunday, May 15, 2011


This is Week 3 Lab 1

I actually did this one starting with a polygon cylinder and reached the same outcome by mostly extruding. Anyway, I still did the lab way to use the cv curve tool. (Though the polygon way is really faster...)

Here goes:

Created a bucket using the cv curve tool and rotating it. (Surface->Rotate) After which, I manipulated some vertices to form a more decent shape of a bucket.

Extruded the bottom and changed some vertices to make it have a sharpen-ed edge.

This is what I got after creating a new polygon cylinder and developing(extruding faces) it from there to form the knob. In the picture above I used a circle as the head and scaling down the tip vertices a little to give a not-so-rounded effect.

Used a the 3 point tool to create a curve and from there, I edited the curve to make it realistic.

I extruded the plane onto the curve to create the handle. After some scaling and minor edits, the above picture was what I got.

In this exercise, I think that we should learn how important to extrude an object easily on a curve(which actually can be done for the track practice). However, for the creation of the bucket, I think its much easier(and faster) to use a cylinder tool and modify from there.

And oh, I did not use the soft-selection tool, but I did try it on other models before.

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