Monday, May 2, 2011

Sword Test

Just a self-training session.
Not really good.

How is this done?
The whole model is split up into 3 different areas, the handle, the blade, and the tsuba(guard, the rectangle thing that seperates the blade and the handle). Though I have no step by step picture, I will describe the areas to describe.

For this area I created a polygon cylinder and used the cut faces tool to cut out the diamond shapes. I extruded the faces that weren't forming the diamonds by selecting the diamond faces and using invert selection. By doing this, I created a depth to mimic the "cloth" material wrapping around the handle.

Using the hypershade, I just simple applied an image from my stockpile that is of cloth-material-lookalike on all the faces except the diamond faces on a lambert.

A simple polygon cube scaled and extruded to form a border around the cube. Selecting the faces to be colored on, I applied the materials the same way I did for the handle.

I seperated 3 different sections of the blade using the edge loop tool to form a arch to mimic the deadly curved shape of the katana. To form the depth of the sword(the sharp side of the blade) I scaled the sharp ends of the blade. Using a little of the bend deformer to do finishing touches. Finally, added a texture and set the required color setting to form a metalic finish to the blade.


I did this model out of pure interest and no referencing images were used. I think that the more we practice especially on things we like to do, the better and faster we get.

Click Here

Katana with unfinished sheath(just a status update):
Click Here

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