Sunday, May 15, 2011


I believe this was Week 2 of E-Learning?

Anyway, here goes.
I'm not very sure whether I had to download anything from olive, but this looks relatively easy so I'll just do it.


I create the base of the gear using the polygon pipe tool.

Clicking on polyPipe1, I increased the subdivisions to a number I was satisfied with, I think 24, 5 is enough.

Selected the faces that I need to extrude.

This is what I got after that.

After some editing, here it is. Yes, it does look skinny. But this can be easily changed by selecting all faces inside of the gear and then extruding.

Techniques & Reflection

The techniques used are very basic as it only involves extruding faces. But then again, I understand that we need to start small and soon build our way to El Dorado, but perhaps something harder next time :D?

Jokes aside, I felt that this was a simple yet good practice to let people get the hang of face manipulation and extruding, though I felt that it should involve some vertices manipulating as well.

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