Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cardboard Box

Week 2 E-Learning
This box, is a wonderful and old cardboard box!

Here we go!

First we create a rectangle using the polygon cube tool and bevel it. In the picture above, the vertices selected are going to be pull up on the y-axis. (Oops, in the picture it's supposed to be the top vertices, not the bottom.)

After forming the box, select the top faces and extrude down to form the depth of the box.

Select the faces around the edges of the box and turn off the "keep faces together" and extrude...

In the image above, I played around with the faces and finalized with this posture before going into vertices.

I got this after manipulating some vertices.

Using the twist, lattice deformers, I derived this poor smashed up box.


In this exercise, I found out that using deformers are of most important in many other models as well and in animation.

Using deformers like that make life easier by not having to indicate vertices at every-other spot.

Also, I admit that in this exercise I've used too little polys and made my model a little low quality and slightly deformed(the deformation inside the box is intentional).

Lastly, it is good to plan out how your model will actually look like in the end - this is because we don't want to randomly put deformers, edge loops on areas that we do not really need(++poly count as well). Well, not planning may give you impressive results as well, but that's not always the case- not to mention it is time consuming as well.

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