Sunday, May 15, 2011


Week 3 Lab 2
I will just refer to the washboard image as a reference.
Here we go


I created the base using polygon cube tool.

I've marked out the places where I want to extrude with the insert edge loop tool.

After some adding divisions to the center portion, I used the bevel feature to get a difference of length between the jagged edges, then I selected these shorter lengthed faces and extruded them to form the above image. Some vertices were edited to change the length of the board.

After extruding out the borders of the image, I beveled them to make them look smooth. And there we have it.


In this exercise, I challenged myself to finish it using just one base polygon. I found it slightly more time consuming than creating other primitive shapes and aligning them to the image. But well, the outcome is still acceptable.

I didn't really refer to the tutorial for this exercise, so I might miss out some crucial learning point in it, but other than that, I think that using beveling in this situation really saves plenty of time.

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